The “Three-Sun Deity” from the depths of Greek Mystagogy to the “menus” of the modern utopian Messianic and Zionist movements
The “Three-Sun Deity” from the depths of Greek Mystagogy to the “menus” of the modern utopian Messianic and Zionist movements
Writter: Evangelos D. Kepenes (May 22, 2022, 13:62)
The triple nature of the orbit of the Sun according to the ancient sages:
“The nature of the celestial orbit of the sun was considered by the ancient sages as triple. According to the initiates of antiquity, there are three suns in each solar system that correspond to the three centers of life, that is, to the mind, the soul and the body. They were called 'triple light' or 'triple word' (Spiritual sun, Mental sun and Natural sun). In the hierarchical structure of the emperor Julian, the supreme sun that is identified with the Idea of the Universe, the perceptible universe to which the higher principles belong and the generative causes of the manifestation of the whole creation precede. Then follows the mental sun, the fertile source of the mental light, while the natural sun is the visible reflection of the eternal world of Ideas. So, we have the Three-sun deity or, according to the ancient Greek system, Hyperion-Zeus, Apollo-Phoebus and Dionysus (Trinity) - the leaders of the three worlds of Iamblichus.”
Iamblichus= Mystic, Neoplatonist philosopher from Syria
The ancient mystagogues honored the time of the sunrise with the raising of their hands, and the Pythagoreans with hymns and blessings. The disk of the sun, a symbol of the Sun god, was represented in ancient depictions of deities and its rays adorned the crowns of kings.
The triad
“The triad became the world’s most widespread number of deity [...] The worship of the sun is one of the oldest forms of religion, and the ancient man sometimes distinguished between the rising, the culminating and the setting sun. The Egyptians, for example, separated the solar god into three deities: Horus - the rising sun, Ra - the culminating sun, and Osiris - the setting sun.” (Egyptian deities)
Other Egyptian triune deities
The Triad of Elephantine (Khnemu-Satet-Anqet)
The Triad of Memphis (Ptah-Sekhmet-Nefertem)
The Theban triad (Amun-Mut-Khonsu)
Biblical cities such as Erech (Uruk), Nineveh, Babylon and others, were worship centers of triadic imaginary gods. The trinity of Babel was Nebrod Thammuz and Semiramis and was worshiped as the personification of the Sun god.
“The Tower of Babel was actually a worship of Satan in the form of Fire, Sun and Serpent (3 forms). But worship of Satan could not be openly practiced, because many believed in the true God of Noah. That's why a mysterious religion began in Babylon through which Satan could be secretly worshiped.” (Alexander Hislop, “The Two Babylons”)
“Historically, the Sun is the central and prominent deity of all peoples. Initially, its physical being, the Sun God, was worshiped. Later, the physical body was thought to simply represent the beginning of God in our Solar System. The various religions in the history of the world personify the solar disk according to the nature of their culture.
For the Greeks, the Sun corresponds to the Latin Sol, the Brahma of the Hindus, Mithras of the Persians, the Egyptian Aton and Amun-Ra, the Bel of the Chaldeans, the Adonai of the Phoenicians, the Hebrew Yodh, the Hu of the Druids, and the Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs.
Religious Christianity was based on the triple existence of the Devine. However, the idea of the trinity is much older, since the three phases of the Sun had been observed a long time ago: sunrise, noon, sunset. The rising Sun is the beginning, the promise of the new day, the life giver and the creator: Sun the Father. At noon, the Sun reaches maturity and radiates, causing activity and progress: Sun the Son.
The setting of the Sun marks the end of the working day, the time of rest: the Holy Spirit. This trinity is found in Hindus, Persians, Egyptians and Babylonians, but in every religion the Sun represents the totality of the Supreme - Intelligent - Mobilizing Power of Creation.”
And the renegade Jews worshiped the Sun.
And Josiah the king of Juda “he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entering in of the house of the Lord, by the chamber of Nathanmelech the chamberlain, which was in the suburbs, and burned the chariots of the sun with fire.” (II Kings 23:11)
a) John Chrysostom: Student of the Greek orator Libanius of the school of the Sophists. He was named “Demosthenes of Christianity.”
b) Basil the Great: Student of Libanius and the “wise” Prohaeresius, brother of Gregory of Nyssa.
c) Gregory of Nazianzus: The “Trinitarian” Theologian, classical orator, philosopher of Hellenism. He combined Hellenism with apostolic Christianity.
According to the view of the “Orthodox” Church, which it imposed on our entire educational system, the three hierarchs protect (!!!) education and letters.
The three hierarchs, leading scholars of the Ancient Greek Secretariat, connected their knowledge with apostolic Christianity, which they considered to be the highest philosophy, and won the title of the greatest luminaries of the Three-sun deity.
According to the orthodox dogma that was ratified and imposed by the Roman Empire “Light the Father, Light the Son, Light the Holy Spirit, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.” “The Father is the source of light. Jesus Christ is the radiance and the rays. The Holy Spirit is the light that spreads everywhere.”
Recessional (Apolytikion) of the Three Hierarchs
«The three most great luminaries of the Three-Sun Divinity have illumined all of the world with the rays of doctrines divine and true; they are the sweetly-flowing rivers of wisdom, who with godly knowledge have watered all creation in clear and mighty streams: The great and sacred Basil, and the Theologian, wise Gregory, together with the renowned John, the famed Chrysostom of golden speech. Let us all who love their divinely-wise words come together, honoring them with hymns; for ceaselessly they offer entreaty for us to the Trinity.»
All the saints honored by the Orthodox Church were advocates of the truth (!!!) of the Three-sun deity and are revered as bright stars and pillars of “Orthodoxy.”
Nowadays, young “Bright Stars” by constantly advocating in favor of the Holy Trinity and by copying the ancient post-apostolic utopian movements, they illuminate modern society with the "light" of the three Great Scholars of the Three-sun Deity, constantly founding new Trinitarian churches and falsely claiming that they are the ones who continue the work of the Apostles of Christ.
In the Charter of the self-proclaimed “Apostolic Church” we read that it “accepts all the articles of the symbol of the Faith, as enacted by the 318 Fathers in order to distinguish heresies from the Church that stands on the word of God. They believe in the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a Trinity that is one in essence and inseparable.”
So, they accept the three great luminaries of the Three-sun deity and the Gnostic symbol of the faith about the incarnation of the second god-Son descending from heaven and the model of the "man-God" that is a copy of the conjunction of Heaven and Gaia of the ancient religion, as well as the eschatology of Zoroastrianism and other myths about the dual nature of Jesus and the end of the perceptible world.
The heavenly man Jesus
The Bible teaches that “The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven,” making a clear distinction between earthly and heavenly bodies (“There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies”), and declares that the heavenly Jesus is “Lord God the Pantocrator,” “the true God and eternal life.”
It also teaches that the heavenly man Jesus is the revelation or image of the invisible God who is Holy Spirit (“for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost”) and not the image or manifestation of the mortal earthly man.
In addition, Jesus Christ is “the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature” nullifying the dogma of the pre-existence of the Son. If the Son pre-existed -beyond the pre-eternal intent of the Father's will- then the heavenly man Jesus would be the brightness of the glory and the express image of the pre-existing Son.
Jesus testifies that His body, His flesh, was from heaven and not from the earth. Therefore, Jesus was not a mortal biological human being born “of blood, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man,” but he was heavenly, the offspring of the immortal God. And eternal death (not the biological one that is given) was not defeated by the mortality of Jesus, but by life (“I am the resurrection and the life”).
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” (John 6:51)
Whoever saw the heavenly body of Jesus saw the Father.
Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”
Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?” (John 14:8)
But, despite the clear teachings of the Apostles, the founders and leaders of the modern "apostolic churches" deceive their followers by exalting the ancient religion like the philosophical “fathers.”
A typical example is the written term of faith of the Fourth Ecumenical Council, taken from the bowels of ancient mysticism, where it states that the heavenly man Jesus Christ is the offspring of Spirit and Matter and therefore has a dual nature, as well as that he pre-existed as incorporeal.
"[...] our Lord Jesus Christ, the same perfect in Godhead and also perfect in manhood, of a reasonable [rational] soul and body; consubstantial [co-essential] with the Father according to the Godhead, and consubstantial with us according to the Manhood; in all things like unto us, without sin; begotten before all ages of the Father according to the Godhead, and in these latter days, for us and for our salvation, born of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, according to the Manhood; one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, only begotten, to be acknowledged in two natures, inconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably".
Modern “Christian” religions reproduce the ancient ones with the Apostles of Christ as their cover.
“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word (not in the words of the philosophical fathers and religions) you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32)
The apostolic Church that lived the end / completion of the era of the Law was waiting in their generation for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of the Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
“waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13)
“He is the true God and eternal life.” (1 John 5:21)
Christ our life