The Fulfillment of Promise

Biblical themes for better understanding of the talks of Jesus and his Apostles

The republication, with permission, of specific articles by other authors does not imply the full acceptance of their biblical teaching.

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The invented dead religions, old and new "the way of peace have they not known." They are a social necessity due to ignorance of the Scriptures, a factor of rivalry, a field of practice of the works of the flesh and the spread of the Ancient Religion, and the reason why so much blood has been shed in the world. Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, the Resurrection and the Life, is above religions, and he is "the God of Peace and Love."

Christ our life

The birth of the state religion of the Ecumenical Councils

The formed byzantine “patristic” Christianity differs in its structure from the early Christianity which was established by Jesus and the apostles, and which is the completion of Biblical Judaism.

Hellenized christianity and christianized hellenism were attained by the involvement of Plato's thinking fundamentally and the monotheistic Jewish christianity


Christ is the end of the Law

The law / Old Testament "the school-master to Christ." had carnal ordinances of worship  -food and drink and various ceremonial washings-  imposed until the time of reformation, and was ordered and given by angels to the twelve-tribe nation of Israel, but they did not keep it. (Acts 7:53, Heb. 9:10). The testator of the Old Testament was “God, the Master of everything,” who entered into a treaty with the with the fleshly children of Abraham, Israel. 


The Lord our God is One Lord

“Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is one Lord"

The meaning of “The Lord our God is one (Grk: Eις) Lord,” is opposed to the meaning of “dyad or dyadic is,” “triad or triadic is,” etc. 

In order to understand the meaning of “The Lord our God is one Lord,” a phrase that the spirit of God, [“God is Spirit”], said to the people of Israel through Moses, we need to know the worship ...



In the middle of the 1st century AD, the apostle John wrote:

“[Little] children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time.

They went out from us  [= apostasy / separation from the first church] but they were not of us; 


John’s Revelation and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

The prevailing view that the book of Revelation refers to the end of the world and the end of the human history, is based on extra-biblical sources, such as the Mayan predictions, the astrologer Nostradamus, Pheebo Apollo along with his priestesses Sibyls, and other futurists.                               

The end of the world is reproduced ...


The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Redemption of the Generation of the First Church

The Lord Jesus Christ not only came the second time during the Apostles’ generation to redeem the faithful Believers, but also to revenge the generation of the Scribes and Pharisees who crucified Jesus and to revenge the backsliders  Jewish Christians who “came out” from the first church and persecuted it together with those Jews who rejected...


Judaism - Christianity and a religion of Ecumenical Councils

The historical biblical monotheistic Judaism, which stood out among the triadic, polytheistic religions of the nations, gestated Christianity through the written promises of the Torah or the Pentateuch of Moses and the Jewish prophets. But when the fullness of time came and God sent forth his Son, Jesus, who was born by Mary, fulfilling the promise which He had given to the patriarch ...


The beasts of Revelation

The identification of the antichrist with the beast / kingdom that had 7 heads and 10 horns (Rev. 13:1) lacks any biblical basis. The things described in the book of revelation are about Rome [the beast from the sea] and Israel [the beast from the earth of Israel, which had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon] that were in a state of war. The two horns of the beast from the earth are the political and religious power of Israel accompanied by ...


The kingdom of Heavens

John the Baptist

When the land of Israel and its people were under the occupation of the Roman Empire, which was the fourth beast of Daniel's vision (7:2-3), and while Jesus was living in Nazareth, a city of Galilee, John the Baptist came by saying that the time of the kingdom of heavens had arrived. So did the twelve apostles in the cities of Israel, according to the commandment of Jesus. “These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them ...


Abraham is the father of faith

The promise cancels out any nationalistic and biological interpretation of Pharisaic Judaism for revival and worldwide domination of the earthly kingdom of Israel. It was a promise of God, which surpassed the narrow limits of the genealogically fleshly Jewish nation and embraced all the children of faith regardless of their earthly nationality ...


The Origin of Hell-Fire in Christian Teaching

The concept of a soul within us that cannot die first became a ‘Christian’ doctrine at the end of the second century AD. Hell had been taught in Greek philosophy long before the time of Jesus, with Plato (427-347 BC) as the important leader in this thinking. The teaching of an everlasting place of punishment for the wicked is the natural consequence of a ...


The Rich Man, Lazarus, & the Afterlife

Jesus' teaching concerning the Rich Man and Lazarus in LK. 16:19-31 has always been provocative. It's the main passage resorted to when striving to establish the concept of endless torturous punishment of the wicked after death. This punishment is usually thought to be in hell, though the Greek word for hell, gehenna, is nowhere in the passage ...


The Birth of pharisaic Judaism

Pharisaic Judaism remained in the nationalistic, earthly perception of God's promises, and, by not understanding the written prophetic word, it denied the finisher of faith Jesus Christ and persecuted true Christianity from its birth, thus failing to achieve its spiritual fulfillment and become the receiver of the heavenly goods.


This generation shall not pass away

No biblical support is provided by the teaching of the apostles for a forthcoming building of a third earthly temple in Jerusalem and restoration of the Leviticus or any other priesthood. These inaccuracies are spread by today's Christian Zionism that was developed on the basis of the Modern Theory of “Dispensationalism” 


Comprehend the apostle and high priest of our confession, Jesus 

The purpose of this study is to encourage an honest research, unaffected by human religious traditions, rescued biblical texts, and related historical accomplished facts, for a clearer understanding of the fulfilled promises of the one God given to the fathers of Israel in the flesh, and the resulting  ...


The transformation of the original Christianity


The secular philosophical currents of the 2nd century, looting the spiritual wealth of the genuine Christianity, transformed it into a new state religion of types and expectations.

For the "Christian" philosopher Clement of the Alexandrian philosophical school and for many others of the same period, Christianity was the supreme philosophy 


Behold, he is coming with the clouds

Very clearly, the word of God proclaims that Jesus Christ would come for the Second Time "in a cloud" during the lifespan of some of Jesus' disciples. In fact, the disciples wouldn't have managed to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all the cities of Israel before the second coming of Jesus. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the middle of ... 


The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light

The scribes and the Pharisees thought they knew everything from the law and the prophets; not having the Spirit of Christ in them they behaved like infants who needed "milk" and took the word of God "according to the letter" and not "in accordance with the spirit". They gave importance to the obvious and carnal and not in the deeper meaning that only the ... 

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Gnosticism, Patristic Mythological Christianity and the Biblical Jesus

Natures are special and distinct and they are not composed, except in Mythology. Jesus did not have two parents, a father and a mother, like the biological man and the mythical god-men, nor did he have two natures united in one hypostasis, a biological, earthly one and a heavenly one, but he was whole, "Born" by the will of the heavenly Father, who was in His Son, and the Son was in His Father. "The Father is in me and I in the Father" Jesus was "the living bread which came down from heaven," 


The Roman Imperial Religion and the Philosophical Jesus

"The voice of the fathers" is not "the voice of Jesus or the voice of the Apostles." Those who think that "Orthodoxy" is the continuation of the original apostolic work are wrong. After all, everyone knows that history is written the way the winners and the spiritual overlords want it to be written. "Orthodoxy" is the Eastern part of the schism of the part-Christian, "Catholic," authoritarian religion of the Roman Empire, where its emperor was officially "King of the Romans in Christ" ...

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Valentinian Christology

As shown below, the similarities between the Gnostic Christology and Trinity of the Valentinians and the orthodox Trinitarians are striking. The Valentinians were teaching a Christology very similar to the Christology of the Trinity Doctrine expressed in the Athanasian Creed about 350 years before the proclamation of the Athanasian Creed.

Valentinus (c.100-c.160) was a teacher in Rome, who almost became Pope. Before coming to Rome in about 140, he had studied in Egypt. About 160, he died in ...

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The reading of the Epistles in real time

By examining the Epistles in real time, we understand the struggle of the Apostles and the brothers in Christ, and the polemic they attempted against them, specially they of the circumcision, who had penetrated between them, introducing heresies of perdition - false teachings and refusing the Despot who bought them, creating divisions and scandals. Under these circumstances, Paul struggled, wrote, urging the saints of his age. After we perceive the prevailing situation in the church at that time, the struggle of the believers, their sufferings by the Jews, their sociopolitical ...


'ACCOMPLISHED SALVATION' -- "God's Purpose of the Ages" (Eph. 3:11)

During the time of Moses, the nation of Israel wandered in the wilderness for a period of 40 years after which Joshua brought Israel into the land that had been promised to them. Did the next generation of children that had been born in the land of promise then need to return back into the wilderness to also experience 40 years of wandering? No! The purpose of God for the time of wilderness wandering had been fulfilled and therefore the children born in the land of promise were meant to experience the benefits of that land.

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Misconceptions by the Offshoots of the State, Compound Christianity

[Compound Christianity is the mixing of the biblical Christianity with the Greek philosophy and the Jewish myths]

The return of Judah from the Babylonian captivity to the land of promise gave an extension to the Jewish nation until the coming of Jesus, the seed of the promise of life that was given to Abraham for all the nations of people. The other dispersed tribes were cut off from the metropolis of Jerusalem, they were in constant rivalry with the returned Jews, and were treated as gentiles by them. The term "sheep" identifies the Jews ...

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The value of the davidic origin of Joseph, the husband of Mary, in understanding the heavenly man Jesus, son of God

The immortal heavenly Jesus, the Life, "tasted death" not because of His second, earthly, mortal nature (which is a religious fiction of the "fathers"), but he "tasted death," although He was the Son of God, deliberately and voluntarily, "in favor of every man," in order to defeat it and to give us the victory “so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life”. (2 Cor. 5:4) For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life ..

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The Abrahamic religions and Christ

All three Abrahamic religions are considered religions of the "BOOK" that is, submission of the "dead" carnal man to divine written laws and ordinances, although in the process all three Abrahamic religions accepted human intervention. The Jews mixed Judaism with the occult Jewish literature (traditions), the Greeks mixed Christianity with the ancient religion (Philosophy), and the Arabs mixed Islam (which is a mixture of Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and other ancient religions) with local ...


The Seed, the Law of Nature, and The Tree of Life through the pages of the Bible

The common way of reproduction of the living organisms of nature through the corruptible natural seed gives them common features, such as nutrition, growth, decay and death. Decay and death precede the fruitfulness, the resurrection, and the incorruptibility, as Jesus and the Apostles teach us. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24)


The Reactions to the Action of Jesus and the Apostles, and their Evolution

The "Pax Romana" (Peace of Rome) achieved militarily by Caesar Augustus contributed to the economic and social stability of the multinational Roman Empire. What all pagan nations believed was also believed by Roman politicians, for whom the continuation of Roman power depended on the religious devotion to its objects of worship, especially on the religious devotion to the person of "the divine son of god," Caesar (the surname of the monarch Julius Caesar was adopted as a royal title) and "Eternal Rome." Anyone who called himself a king was considered an enemy of Rome and was killed.


Early Church Theories of Christ 

What follows is a catalogue of some of the early (first five centuries) church sects and their beliefs or theories about Christ and his nature. They are listed in alphabetical order. Most of these sects have been condemned as heresies although some of their beliefs can be found in well-established churches today. Heresy does mean that it is wrong. It means that the church people with the most political power disagreed with them and, therefore, condemned them. Occasionally, the civil authority favored some of these condemned sects, so they could continue to practice. When their protector died and was replaced by an adherent of the orthodox (consensus or majority) position the condemned sect was suppressed and often persecuted. 


Conversion of the Christian faith

The definition of faith is the confidence we have in what we believe or hope without seeing it. Every religion, idea or view is based on its own particular faith, which its followers strive to spread or impose as "correct." This struggle creates rival camps in every form of faith, and discrimination of believers and unbelievers.

According to the poet Ezra Pound, "Belief is a cramp, a paralysis, an atrophy of the mind in certain positions."

"Faith" is strongly exercised in the field of religions and is shaped according to the teaching and dynamics of each founder of a religion and its priesthood. In the "Church of the Living God" acquired ...


The Four Horsemen of Revelation

The horse has always been used for various symbolisms due to its strength and fearlessness, depending on its color, such as strength, speed, etc., but mainly it symbolized life and death. In Revelation, the white horse and its rider symbolize the Victory and Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the Saints (19:14), and His wrath on the ungodly of the Jews. The red horse, the Jewish Civil War. The black horse, the Hunger (famine) that fell in Jerusalem due to the civil war and the war with the Romans. And the pale horse, the Death that found them from the civil war, the famine and the Beasts of the earth (Roman troops).


The Last Days of the Kingdom of the Carnal Israel

The prevailing view within the ancient and modern Christian confessions of faith about the last days of the world and the end of its history is a legacy of the eschatology of Persian Zoroastrianism and contradicts the biblical narrative. 

The carnal Israel

The national identity of the descendants of Abram was given by God "I want to make you a great nation" and was proved by the written genealogies and was intertwined with their religious identity "Hear Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord".


The prison of fanaticism

Every form of fanaticism (religious, ideological or other) has negative to destructive effects on the character of man, on his mental or physical health and consequently on his social relations. Fanaticism comes from the absolute trust and support of a religious belief or ideology without first filtering and researching their existing data. The "fanatic" refuses the research because he believes that his "ideology" is the one that will "save" him or make him happy. 

 The "fanatic" is a victim of proselytism and a submissive executive instrument of the "ambassadors" of religious faith ...


Jesus, the Heavenly Man


The First man and the Second man


For not all flesh is the same, but there is one kind for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish. There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the glory of the heavenly is of one kind, and the glory of the earthly is of another.” (1Cor, 15:39-40)


Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, is the One true God who appeared in heavenly flesh (body).

“The First man [being made] out of the earth, [was] earthy: the Second man [is] the Lord from heaven.” (1Cor. 15:47, Worsley)


Timeless talibanism


"My husband doesn't love me, because he didn't hit me with a pole" (Greek local folk proverb)


Taliban are the students of the Islamic knowledge movement who came to power in Afghanistan in 1996, after the civil war. The "Christian" West, even though it is in cultural decline, rightly accuses the Taliban's theocratic regime of being brutal, condemning their barbaric practices on the rights of women whom they consider inferior to men and useful only for reproduction. But these notions of inequality, subordination and social degradation of women in relation to men are old, as we shall see below, and highlight the timeless inequality ...


When was the book of revelation written

In the first century, the dominant kingdom in the Mediterranean Basin was the Roman one, a multinational and polytheistic empire, as Daniel had prophesied. At that time, Revelation was written, and all the events in the New Testament took place, with Judea being a province of the Roman state. The time of writing of the book of Revelation, is before 70 AD. and not in 96 AD. as erroneously spread in the 2nd century by Irenaeus.

According to Epiphanius of Constantia of Cyprus (today's Salamis), John was on Patmos in the time of Claudius Caesar, who is either Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanic (41-54 AD), or Nero Claudius (54-68 A.D.). (Saint Epiphanius ...


Religions and Christ are opposite paths

The established Church of the living God was and is the offspring of God from incorruptible seed and not a draft of an imperfect religion or a philosophical system that God handed over to the “philosophical fathers” of Orthodoxy to shape it formalistically, to crystallize it dogmatically, and to establish it universally by institutional coercion violating the “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Mat.16:24). The Church of God was and is “the pillar and ground (= firmament / foundation) of the truth, which the Lord God has acquired for Himself with His own precious blood to declare His Praises and not the constitutional charters of religions.


Paul's letter to the Thessalonians in the first century


The letters

The authoritative Jewish Apostles wrote in the first century AD to modern-day Judeo-Christians to warn, to exhort, to comfort, and to inform them about God's impending actions to the opposers from the Jews and deniers of Christ. Those actions of God would set an end to their trials of faith caused by the threats of the Jews. The letters refer to a specific readership and outline the political, social, and religious trends of the first century, in the territorial sovereignty of the Roman Empire.

The prevailing religious view that the letters were written in the first century for future "Christians", e.g. of the twentieth (20th) century, is heterogeneous and completely weakens the dynamic that they had in the original recipients.


Τhe sheep and the beasts of the earth, the reptiles and the birds of the sky

God promised salvation for all the nations

“And in that day, declares the LORD, you will call me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer will you call me ‘My Baal.’ For I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth, and they shall be remembered by name no more. And I will make for them (Israel in the flesh) a covenant on that day with the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the creeping things of the ground (Gentiles in the flesh). And I will abolish the bow, the sword, and war from the land, and I will make you lie down in safety. And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness. And you shall know the LORD.» (Hos. 2:16-20)


The Apostolic Fathers


Nowhere in the New Testament is it mentioned that the Apostles appointed the apostolic fathers as their successors. 

They were named so in the 6th century AD, after the idea of ​​their authorial authority had been cultivated, for the benefit of the absolute orthodox dogma. The official position of the State Orthodox Church is that the apostolic fathers are the depositaries of the apostolic tradition and the voice of the Apostles, a position that has been accepted by many of the religiously manipulated “Christians” and those addicted to the ocean of philosophical patriology.


Christian unbelief 

Daniel, of the children of Judah, was chosen / distinguished  among the Israeli tycoons and the royal family and righteous like Noah and Job (Dan. 1:3, Ezek. 14:20). He became one of the great prophets of Israel, and God revealed to him what would happen to his people, the Jews, and the Holy City of Zion in the last days of the Law -for Christ is the end of the Law- and of the reign of the earthly Israel, as Jacob had prophesied. The various unhistorical theories that Daniel prophesied about the last days of mankind where the world leader will be the personification of evil, the Antichrist, belong to the Myths.


The land of Israel

The Lord said to Abram “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the lAND that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” (Gen. 12:1-2, 7, Acts. ch. 7)


When God brought Abraham's biological descendants to the LAND OF THE PROMISE, He set the boundaries of their abode and said to them:


“This shall be YOUR LAND as defined by its borders all around.” (Num. 34:12b)



Biblical definitions

“The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, salutes you; and so does Marcus my son” [I Pet. 5:13].


Babylon, where the apostle Peter wrote from “to those who were elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” by Silvanus, the faithful brother, was the Babylon of Egypt, today's Cairo. Today, there is a Patriarchal Monastery there. [For historical data look at the book of Peter Sheehan “Babylon of Egypt.”]


The literal interpretation of the parable of the rich man and poor lazarus in luke's narrative is incompatible with the OT

 The obsessive and mythic religious belief in posthumous eternal torments of the "non-believers" caused by unspecified tormentors in some "place," where fire, the element of nature, is kept constantly burning with sulfur (a chemical element known since the time of Homer as a snake repellent and as a pesticide), is an absurd and arbitrary pairing of the antinomy "Immortal or Abrotos (Greek) - Mortal or Brotos (Job 15:14 LXX)." This paradox is a result of Mythology and the false theology of Greek patristic thought ...


Spiritual terror

From ancient times, the relations between political power -which deals with the worldly government of societies- and religion -which deals primarily with the belief in the unseen and the union of man with the supernatural and the divine- have been inextricably linked. Despite the anti-clerical policies of various governments and its secularization tendencies, even from within, religion and its priesthood, with the main stimulus being the unknown and sacred fear, always remain the necessary tools for the manipulation of societies, cohesion in government guidelines and their discipline in power, which sometimes also springs from religion (theocracy) ...


Brief overview of the evolution of religions

The gap between the truth of God and Religion has always been the most intense and unresolved problem of religious leaders. The failure of the transmission of the good will of God for man to societies and cultures through religions is reflected in the decline of morals and values ​​and the impasses experienced by humanity. All reforms and counter-reforms and the constant establishment of new religious shades fail to enlighten or give life to the mortal man. This is the exclusive work of the Risen and Living Jesus Christ.

Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)


The “Three-Sun Deity” from the depths of Greek Mystagogy to the “menus” of the modern utopian Messianic and Zionist movements

"The three most great luminaries of the Three-Sun Divinity have illumined all of the world with the rays of doctrines divine and true; they are the sweetly-flowing rivers of wisdom, who with godly knowledge have watered all creation in clear and mighty streams: The great and sacred Basil, and the Theologian, wise Gregory, together with the renowned John, the famed Chrysostom of golden speech. Let us all who love their divinely-wise words come together, honoring them with hymns; for ceaselessly they offer entreaty for us to the Trinity."


Dualisms ‘within’ the Human Person: Soul-Body

If human society needs to find a home in nature, then the human soul needs to find a home in the bodily existence of each human being. To speak of the body and the psyche, or of spirit and matter includes any dimension of a being, existing in, for, from and with all the other dimensions of its being, each dimension interrelated in its differentiation with all the other demensions of its being. A person thinks with his/her mind, body, feelings, ideas, intentions, decisions linked with the bodily organs. The primacy of soul is alien to such an understanding; soul and body exist as a whole being. We are all ‘body,’ all ‘psyche,’ all ‘soul’. 


The historical encounter of Hellenism and Judaism

The historical encounter between Hellenism and Judaism during the Hellenistic period - although Hellenism posed a threat to Judaism's existence - ultimately resulted in the merger of their opposing thoughts and gave birth to the religious syncretic Roman formation known as "Patristic or Greek Orthodox Christianity" which its dogma clothed the "fulfilled promises of Judaism" and the "foolishness of the Apostles' preaching" with philosophy, thus elevating the Ancient Religion which Hellenism represented.